elementary drama fund

The Charlie Lovett Fund for Elementary Drama is a philanthropic fund that supports production based theatre arts programs at the elementary school level. Each year, Charlie Lovett donates a portion of the royalties on his plays published by Pioneer Drama, Inc. to the fund, and that donation is matched by The Lovett Foundation. Grants are then made to elementary schools throughout the United States.

Grants are made on a rolling basis, beginning in August of each school year, and we make every effort to make a decision on applications as quickly as possible. If we receive your application after the fund for that year is exhausted, we will invite you to reapply for the folowing year. Average grant size is $300.

To apply for a grant, click on the link below and use the pdf application form. Please read instructions carefully. Whether we are able to fund you or not, we wish you the best with your theatrical endeavors. Break a leg!